Sunday, December 4, 2022

The HB GF Fish & Chips Adventure continues

So in my last post I said it had been a busy couple weeks, and it was which is why this review is a little late in coming.  And please remember when you read it that the author is absolutely, totally, completely biased lol :)

The next place on my HB GF Fish & Chip Adventure was Jarks.  Mum, Bro and I went there last Saturday night for dinner and I thought why not get the Fish & Chips and continue my adventure with where I know will win (remember how I said the author is super biased.... well you were warned lol).  The surprise might come in that Jarks is not getting a perfect score though, I know I am as shocked as you are!!  And what did they do to deserve less than a perfect score I hear you ask, well it is only a small thing, and some people I am sure wouldn't mind (like dad for example) but for me it was a boo moment.  They gave me too much salad :O (ps that's a shocked face for those who don't know), it was like lots of lettuce and stuff, so they got some points deducted for that.  Ok so not many points, but hey who ever said this was a logical scoring system lol.  And yes I did eat all my salad, cos I'm a good girl.

Jarks' score (remember all are out of 5, total of 15) - 5 for presentation and service, 5 for atmosphere and drink selection, 4.75 for taste and quantity.  Total of 14.75

Again no photos as this was part of my holiday... and I also couldn't be bothered, I just wanted to tuck in hehe.

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