Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I survived!!!!

Well duh, as if anyone thought I wouldn't.  And it turns out that waking up at 7.30 isn't as hard as I thought it would be.... Not saying it was pleasant but I wasn't a complete zombie either which is all that really matters.

Is about a 25 minute walk from where I live to work and half of it is through The Meadows so its actually a pretty nice walk.

Today we were in training, again duh lol, and it will be like that for a while.  Today and tomorrow are mostly computer based working through modules about the history of the bank, health and safety, protocols etc. to get up to speed with stuff.  Then we will move on to more job based training.  Training is going to go for 4-6 weeks at this stage, but things could change depending on how we go (there are 3 of us, the other two chicks are pretty cool and I think we will get on well).

So yeah that is that :) 

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