Monday, July 6, 2015

Mega Wicked Weekend

Gotta say this weekend was one of the best :) so thought would share with you all. 

On Friday night I went on a pub crawl in Leith (a suburb of Edinburgh) with a MeetUp group I'm part of. MeetUp is an app you can download and then join groups in your area with similar interests to you or things you wanna get into etc. This is how I found the kickboxing fitness group. The group I went out with on Friday night is a group for 20 and 30 year olds that wanna go out and do fun stuff, events include movie trips, walks, trips around Scotland, pub crawls etc. Met some really cool people on Friday and we went to some cool pubs. Very fun night. 

Saturday I went to kickboxing class in the morning then it was the social event to Portabello Beach (Edinburghs beach) for the afternoon. We went to the beach by bus then wandered down the promenade (both directions) then chilled on the beach, some played frisbee, I tested the water temperature. I didn't think it was too cold till I realised I had lost feeling in my feet and ankles lol. 

Then today I went on a road trip with Chris (a friend from the MeetUp group) to Keswick in The Lake District in England to go to the pencil museum. Yup there's one, it exists! Lol. The reason for the trip was to see the worlds biggest pencil, was a bit disappointed with it so there is no photo, but they did have some cool artwork made from pencils. We then wandered round the town and down to the lake, then back up to the gardens to play on the playground and look for the sensory garden - I have no idea what one of them is and still don't know as it seems to have disappeared or else it's just badly signed and we walked right past it more than once lol. Was a very good day, we even got rained on in good English summer weather fashion :)

Am glad I am a lady of leisure as I need a couple days off to rest now hehe. 
PS photos from Glasgow still coming, I just been a lil busy :) :) :)

Portabello Beach

Pencil Art

Lake at Keswick (don't know official name)

Another view (cos we walked around it for a bit)

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