Thursday, July 9, 2015

Missie's lil boat adventure

This is the boat the Missie and I visited while at the Transport Museum.  Missie decided to try her hand at a few jobs to see what would suit her best should she ever get stuck on a boat...

Missy tried her hand at being the cook but decided it was too much hard work and too boring...

Then she tried deck scrubbing but again way too much hard work and she didn't want to get wet...

Missie figured that manning the sails would be fun, but she was wrong, way way too much hard work...

Being an apprentice was definitely not for Missie, cabins were too dark and there were four beds per tiny room...

Now this room is more suitable, being Capt. looks like something Missie might be able to handle...

Map reading was definitely fun...

Even found home so we were ready to set sail...

Missie even has the steering down :)

So after a fun afternoon of boat exploring we have learnt that Missie will be Capt. and I will be photographer for our trip home as we don't like the plane ride to get here and a boat must be better...

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