Saturday, July 18, 2015

No longer just a holiday...

... That's right, I am no longer just on holiday, the working part of my working holiday starts in a few weeks time.  I am a mix of happy and sad about this, I do love not working, it is something I think I really could get used to hehe, but then it is nice having workmates and I am looking forward to making friends with my to-be workmates.  And it would be nice to have money coming in again as well.

So the job, which I know everyone wants to know what it is, is working for a bank.  I can't really remember the details, cos I have a crap memory, was applying for heaps at the time and it was ages ago that I applied, but I am pretty sure its gonna be kinda like call centre work, pretty sure it was to do with helping customers with enquiries and issues mostly via the phone with I think it was internet or mobile banking stuff for one of the banks over here (duh).  Should be good, nice and warm and dry in the winter/colder days.  Its full time (40 hours a week, not so common over here so I'm lucky), Mon-Fri, contract is for 6 months minimum with possible renewal if they like me and I like them (I think thats the deal).  So yay I'll be over here for Christmas :) woot woot

Also since I will be working soon this blog probably won't be getting updated all that regular as it won't seem to me that I'm doing anything that interesting, so if you would like to be added to the email list please let me know.  The email list sends out an email to everyone on it when I post something so you don't have to keep coming to check to see if there is anything new :) I promise I won't spam you :)

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