Friday, October 30, 2020

The last days of holiday part 1

Ok just so you aren't confused real early on, the part 1 refers to the part 1 of my two weeks of holiday not to there being two parts to this blog post.  Cool, so we are clear now..? Sweet :)

Ystdy bro and I went and found the centre of NZ monument, which was on top of a hill (shock horror aye) and also turned out to not be the centre of NZ as such, but is the centre of Nelson district and Nelson district is the central district in NZ so they claim it or something like that.  The monument was so-so, nothing amazing.  And the rain on the way up didn't help.  It wasn't meant to rain, according to the weather report so you know a super trusting source lol, so that kinda put a damper on our plans for the day.  After heading back down, and making sure the boys weren't too wet (turns out Fishy was fine, Glenny and Big Ted were a tiny tad damp though) we decided to head back to the accomodation for a chill and some lunch.

After lunch I headed into the Suter Art Gallery as I was told by Helen (Station Manager for Fresh FM, our sister station down here) that it was worth checking out.  And I can say now that I agree :) it was very good, and the cafe was also very yum and relaxing.  It was a really nice way to spend a hour, just wandering around then having some cake and tea and a read of my book. 

After the art gallery I wandered around the park next to it, Queen's Park I think it was.  It was quite small but had some good surprising sections in it.  I also got chased by a goose, I think it didn't like me trying to cross the bridge by going through its territory.  And yes I ran away (well scurried more than ran) and found another path to take me to the bridge, cos I am kind and caring that way lol.

Today was a better weather day, finally.  We went and explored Richmond, which did not take very long at all, and then we went and explored a couple of parks in Nelson.  The first one was Miyazu Japanese Gardens, which were pretty cool and then we wandered down to Founders Park which turned out to be like Pioneer Village in Stratford, ie pretty cool.  Def a good use of a morning.  I also called into Fresh FM which are based in Founders Park and had a chat with Matt who was the only one in the office today.  Bro very patiently waited in the reception area while Matt and I chatted about station stuff and our issues etc.  It was actually quite a nice chat, as there wasn't really any time pressure like there is at CAMA get togethers and conferences.

This afternoon I wandered into Nelson and checked out the museum and wandered around the shops.  The museum was so-so, wouldn't say don't go but also wouldn't say make the biggest effort to go.  It was fun to wander around but I wouldn't have missed much if I didn't go.  In saying that their upstairs exhibits were shut so I could only see the Nelson District settlement side of things.  The shops were shops, nothing amazing though I did find a couple of good finds in an opshop :) Sadly I couldn't find any pens or similar small souvenirs that said Nelson to buy for friends, which was a pity.  I did find a few postcards so that will have to do.  Never realised how many of our souvenirs just say NZ, its not so fun when you are just traveling within NZ.  Although I did get a keyring from Suter Art Gallery that says Suter Art Gallery, another reason why I liked it hehe.

Tomorrow and Sunday are basically just travel days, so they don't really count as holiday days, I don't think any how.  May still find time to do something fun but may not.  Time will tell, as it usually does.  And then next week I also have off work, but I will be chilling around Hastings/Napier which should be good.  I don't really have any plans for it yet, got many things I would like to maybe do, but I may just end up doing nothing much.  I definitely have set building one evening, and Dungeons and Dragons another, and a quiz one night as well so I will be doing some stuff.... I will keep you posted if I do anything super exciting :)

Centre of NZ Monument

Suter Art Gallery (photos outside only)

Queen's Gardens

Miyazu Japanese Gardens

Founders Park

First try I got Fireman, then I rigged it so I got Stationmaster and was super stoked :)

So many boats in bottles, and this was just a teaser, there was a whole other room with more

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