Sunday, October 25, 2020

Rimutaka Trig and Castlepoint

 Ystdy we (Bro, Cleo, Fishy, Glenny, Big Ted and me) went for a bit of a drive.  We were staying in Upper Hutt (mostly cos that was the closest place to Castlepoint with any accomodation by the time we got round to looking for some) and our plan was to go to Castlepoint.  On the way there was a trig to be found so Bro and I went and found it, it would have been rude not too.  Though I did think the sign at the bottom could have done with being a bit more thorough.  It said not to do the track in strong winds, however the winds at the carpark were not strong, they very much were the higher we got though.  I think Mother Nature was just showing off at times with the strength of the winds and gusts.  We both made it to the trig, however we did have to crouch and hold on to rocks and stuff to get there and then when there held onto the trig, or atlst I did.  Couldn't breathe when facing the wind either as it was too strong.  I will say it was an experience and that although we made it to the top Mother Nature did win that one.

We then drove on to Castlepoint, which has been on list of places to go for quite some time.  It was very nice and I am glad we made it there.  The boys were lazy (they said Cleo needed company and that is why they didn't come for a walk, I paraphrased to them feeling lazy) and stayed with Cleo while Bro and I wandered off to see the lighthouse.  Sadly it is all automated now and not manned which is disappointing but it was still cool to go and see and the rocks around it were fun to clamber over and explore.

So far Upper Hutt has been pretty good, we aint really seen much of it but we the two places we chose to go for dinners have been good.  We went to Kuku on Friday night and had burgers which were yum, and I even had a locally brewed gluten free beer (ale if you are being technical) with mine.  And even better it tasted like beer not like ick which most gf beers do.  The burgers were amazing as well, very filling.  And then last night we went to Art of Food and had pizzas, yum yum.  They even had vegan cheese for me so I didn't feel sick (dairy is now becoming more of an issue than it ever was and I had had a few choc fish so adding cheese would not have been wise).  They had a seperate pizza oven for celiacs as well which was cool.  Would definitely recommend both those places for eating, whether you have dietary requirements or not.

Today we are heading to Wellington, eventually, as we have a early ferry ride on Monday :) not sure what our plans today are but am sure we will think of stuff to fill in time, we are good like that hehe.

Rimutaka Trig

This is me holding on so I don't blow away lol


Some cute as baby ducks in Queen Elizabeth Park, Masterton

There is a cool as gazebo at our accomodation

Along with this cool seat and picture which I just kinda like so took a pic of

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