Friday, October 23, 2020

JB's new job title

Some of you will already be aware of this, but some won't be as I didn't really tell anyone just in case.  Not that I thought the just in case would happen but you never know.  Around 3 months (ish) ago Ken decided to stand down as manager but still stay on at the station doing the rest of his job.  As I was going to be manager (if I wanted it) when Ken retired fully the board decided to give me a 3 month trial as manager (I didn't interview for it so legally they couldn't just make me it without advertising for other applicants or something like that, and they also wanted to make sure I was ready as the plan was that Ken would be working for a while longer as manager).  Well the 3 month trial is over and earlier this week I had my chat about being manager and how the board felt I was going and setting things to do in the next year.  And yes, my job title is now officially Station Manager, which I must admit is kinda cool :) I still do the technician side of things but it is just part of the new manager job description.  

This week we have also been interviewing for a new part time Community Liaison, and I must say that while being the interviewee is bad I think being the interviewer is even worse.  You have to make judgements about people and sometimes it is a stupid as they didn't even look at website before coming in (which by the way both me and Ken felt was terrible, we had to tell that applicant who we are and what we do which was not cool, do some research first ppl!).  And that is of the ones we interviewed, there were ones we didn't even get in based purely on their cv and covering letter.  It is a cruel world out there, that is for sure.  Not that we would have had time to interview everyone, and you can't chat to people for hours to get to know them better.  But it felt weird saying the whole if you were successful what would blah blah when you are thinking in your head 'uh no way', I feel like we were giving them false hope.... but I guess that is just how it's done.  Hopefully the person we pick stays for ages and then Ken doesn't retire for a while and I don't have to go through this again any time soon.  Oh and did I mention the final pick is mine, 100%, now that's a scary amount of pressure to get it right.  If the person doesn't perform its on me, but the pick is based on a 30-45 minute interview and reference checking.  Yeah I'm glad I'm on holidays now, need some downtime after that week lol.

Holidays I hear you say, but its just a long wknd and that starts tomorrow.  Well good folks, its Hawkes Bay anniversary today so its a 4 day wknd for me :) totally love it.  When I first moved here I thought it would suck, having one less long wknd in the year, but its cool having a 4 day one, and being Hawkes Bay we have brilliant weather so its a nice time of year to have it.  And then I have the next two weeks off work, cos as I said I am on holiday.  Bro and I are heading off for a road trip for the first week (there are bound to be some blog posts about where we go so I won't spoil it for you hehe) and then the second week I am just kicking around home catching up with some folk, doing some house stuff (maybe), and just chilling really.  Last time I had two weeks off was on my way home from Scotland so I feel like I deserve it :) and I approved my own leave which was cool lol, not that there are any real issues with taking leave so long as the other can cover which if we know we certainly can.

Oh and my hair is now coloured to match my tattoo on my arm lol, not deliberate but I guess it just goes to show I like these colours :) and the butterflies on my arm are coloured to match Mother Nature on my thigh so its all matchy matchy lol.

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