Monday, October 5, 2020

Fun in the wknd

This past wknd started with some decent culturing by me and Mel.  We went to a art expo opening at the Womens Centre, it was featuring artwork from a variety of female HB artists, from the well known to the first timers.  There were some very cool pieces on display and Mel and I learnt that I have expensive tastes, the more I liked something the higher its price lol.  We then stumbled onto a ceramics art opening so we popped in, would have been rude not too really lol.  Again, the more I liked something the more it cost, typical aye.  Did see some super cool teapots though, almost tempted to buy one but there is only so much one can justify spending on a teapot and they were well over that amount.  After that we went to the theatre where the social event was a wine tasting, yum yum.  We may have turned up a tad late (someone, yes me, misread the event time lol) but that was ok cos we only missed the white wine which neither of us are super huge fans of, and the only table with free seats was with Brian and Adele which was cool as.  Brian is in Lions with me (and also is a life member of the theatre) so it was fun hanging with them in another setting.

Saturday was a theatre orientated day for me.  Started with being part of the Blossom Parade.  I know, I know, I also thought when I left Guiding that that was my parade days done and dusted, turns out I was wrong.  But luckily I wasn't in it as such, I was just walking along side the float making sure no one got run over.  We needed a marshall on either side of the float and me and Kelly ended up being it, mostly through being the only ones available lol.  It was actually quite a lot of fun, we had a Brazilian drum band in front of us so great tunes the whole way.  Was hard to not be smiling and laughing the whole way, Kelly and I even got our dance on in the paused bits (and occasionally the walking bits too).  

Saturday afternoon was set building at the theatre.  I have been adopted by the set building team cos Nigel and Ian thought I looked a tad un-utilised and I apparently showed interest in what they do and in learning stuff as well.  I do not mind at all, they are a cool as team, and instead of just telling me to do something they show me if I am not sure, and teach me why if I don't get why we are doing it that way.  I think I may end up learning a lot with them which should be fun.  There are four of us on the team now, Nigel, Ian, Gary and me.  The three dudes are prob late 50s-60s, which is a good age for the taking someone new under their wing I think.  I have been let loose with a drill, tin snips and even a saw :) its very cool.  I have helped build the front of a house including door, and weatherboard wall and iron roof.  If I may say so it looks pretty darn cool hehe.  No photos of that yet though, I keep forgetting to take some.  Time does seem to go quite fast when I am there though, its cool.

Sunday was a chill day, nothing much in the morning and in the afternoon had bookclub at a local bar, cos we are smart and know that drinking and eating while discussing books is the best way to do it hehe.  Wandered down as it was just at Bareknuckle BBQ, one of the reasons Rob and I voted for that one, so that we could both walk hehe.  Anyhow, that was my wknd, it was a rather good one :) hope you also had a good one.

Local sheep decorated for the Blossom Parade :)

Random art thing Mel and I found in town, they are mini windwands with changing lights but not called windwards, turns out they are fun to wiggle lol

At wine tasting :)

Our Blossom Parade float... the poor sheep got rather hot but was rather cute

I found it very cool that the reaction from people when Mickey and Minnie were holding hands was 'awww cute, they're holding hands', and that was universal from young and old.  My own reaction was 'awww cute' lol

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