Sunday, October 25, 2020

Middle Earth and Wellington

Today started with a small side trip over to Middle Earth to visit Rivendell.  I looked for my boyfriend Legless but he didn't seem to be hanging around which was rather sad.  Maybe he was scared of the rain, he does seem to be a bit of a pretty boy and all so it is entirely possible.... Also turns out I am about the height of Gandalf which is surprising, I thought he was taller than the average me, but apparently not.  We also wandered around the regional park that Rivendell is in (Kaitoke Regional Park if you are wondering) and although we decided to not do the 1hr return swing bridge walk we did walk over the first swing bridge just cos we could and then we went and chilled by the river (which according the young people swimming in it, it was rather freezing cold lol).  The park seemed like a nice place though, and I think it would be worth a return visit some stage.

We then made it down to Wellington via a stop off in Lower Hutt to see what was there (not much it turns out although there was a nice little walk with a cute red bridge, some more baby quack quacks and some cool birds in a aviary in a playground).  Once in Welly I was very quickly reminded how much I hate driving around here (actually that part happened before Lower Hutt) but with Bro's navigation skills we made it to the accomodation without too much hassle.  Turns out we are staying right by Basin Reserve (as in its across the street, a 4 lane street but still its right over there), and it also turns out that the gates are just open when there is nothing there, or atlst they were open today so we wandered in cos we could.  We then wandered into town and wandered around Te Papa for a while, if nothing else Te Papa was a nice break from the rather strong breeze that was blowing a gale outside.  After Te Papa we wandered around some looking at shops and I revisited one I liked when I was at uni and it is still good, I am pretty sure Mum would be able to spend hours in there as well :) We also went and had dinner at The Tasting Rooms which was a real nice place, good atmosphere and awesome as food.  

Tomorrow is going to pretty much be a travel day as we head over on the ferry and then find our way to Nelson so don't be surprised if I don't do a post.  But since you have made it through all my blah blah stuff here are some pics to reward you :) hehe

Rivendell, Middle Earth

Kaitoke Regional Park

Lower Hutt

Loved this random as plant, if anyone knows what it is please let me know :)

Random Hippo on a building balcony in Wellington lol

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The random plant is a Bromeliad. Without getting a book,I won't try and specify which one. There are probably thousands.