Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Probably not the update you were expecting....

Just a warning, this is probably not the blog post that you are expecting.  However I have decided that it is something that I want to share so here I go.


On Saturday I went out for lunch with a few friends and as per normal I went through the gluten free check etc with my order, however on this occasion it turns out that I made some (in hindsight) rather incorrect assumptions so I am willing to share some of the blame for the consequences, however I feel that I do not deserve the full blame.  I checked with first thing that I was ordering that it could be done gluten free, proper gluten free blah blah as I often do when going somewhere new, however with the second item I did not, I assumed that the waitress would realise this one also needs to be gf.  I didn’t think anything else of it except a brief ‘hmmm I guess she was smart enough to make this gf too’ when it arrived but that was it.  I started feeling a bit weird and funny later Saturday afternoon but again didn’t think much of it, mostly cos I was being busy and rushing around from one place to the next and only had about an hour at home to sort and eat dinner before rushing off to the theatre for final night of Footrot Flats (brilliant show by the way, absolutely loved being part of the set team for it).  Did I think it was weird that I wasn’t hungry and didn’t want dinner?  Yes, but not overly cos I didn’t really think about it, again I blame the busy.  The show went as per normal, but with me sitting down more and being generally not as cheery as normal.  Got home and fell into bed and assumed I was just tired…


Boy did Sunday prove that wrong! Woke up, earlier than I would have liked given it was my one sleep-in that week, rushed to the bathroom and emptied my stomach.  Crawled to the couch with some cereal in a box and figured that was that, I would munch on cereal and feel better.  Again, I was wrong.  Basically I spent all of Sunday puking, eating a little in the following 10 minutes when I felt a bit better, sleeping, puking, eating, I’m sure you get the drift of my day.  I did test a few things, like not eating anything to see if that would stop the vomiting need, it didn’t that just created dry heaving which is so not fun and I was already doing lots of that.  I also tried just drinking something, no eating.  Again not a success, it will take me a while to stop tasting that drink on the way back up (ick, yuck etc).  It didn’t take me long to work out my body was trying to get rid of something specific, especially not when both ends were at play (sorry if the over share is a bit much but you were vaguely warned at the start lol).  It took till about 11pm Sunday night for the offending food to be removed, and by that time I was crawling around because standing meant going dizzy and falling down again.  My hands were shaking rather badly and I was just not in good shape.  


Monday arrived later than usual for me (10:20am if you are interested, good thing I had pre-warned Ken I wouldn’t be at work on Sunday), and while I felt weak and shaky I knew that I would keep my food down if I took it easy, much improved from the finger crossing and hoping of the day before.  I still had little appetite and ended up sleeping much of the day but felt well enough to attempt work on Tuesday (ystdy).  Managed a half day ystdy till my body said ‘nope, that’s enough, you need to nap again’.  So home to nap I went, did a bit of work inbtwn naps, but the great news is that after the 3rd nap I woke up feeling awesome! From still feeling blah before that nap to ‘in my opinion’ magically feeling like JB again, well a lethargic limb JB but still JB all the same.  My appetite was back, I could eat choc fish again (yes that was a test), I had some energy and wasn’t lightheaded.  So I did what any sane person would do, I rearranged my lounge and bdrm and ate choc fish :) hehe.  My legs and arms are still quite lethargic overall and don’t last long doing stuff, took ages to rearrange stuff, but this is the longest side effect I get and will last btwn a week to three weeks in general.


You might be wondering why I decided to share this, and there are a few reasons for it.  Firstly I often tend to minimise being celiac and pretend it’s not a big deal, and it obviously really is.  So this is a lesson to mostly me, but also to those around me who may be taking my blasé view on it that it’s not a big thing.  I think I need to be more like Luke who thinks of it in terms of ‘Jill will die if I bring her something with gluten in it’.  Secondly this blog often tends to have all the good times in it, and sometimes things are not good.  Thirdly I realised some things on Sunday which I wanted to share that would not have as much value or meaning without the full context.


And what are those things you realised I hear you asking, well I shall share them with you now.  I am not quite sure I appreciated how much mum and dad did for me whenever I was sick when I was younger, now I do.  For example, when I wanted a hot drink I would have to get up and put the jug on, fall back on the couch exhausted often falling to sleep again (not ideal).  If I did get the jug boiled while I was still awake I had to get up again to make the hot drink and by the time I got back to the couch I would generally fall asleep again.  So yeah, the hot drinks were generally not hot, or even warm, by the time I got to drink them.  Also for someone like me who does groceries as she needs them (and Sunday was the day I was meant to be going to get some, after having put it off for a week and a half), it is interesting finding something to try and munch on that didn’t take much (if any) standing time.  So thank you mum and dad for taking care of me all those many times when I was younger and not well.


Also it turns out that when I am unwell I don’t really have any spatial awareness so there are more bruises than normal on me, and some more stains on the carpet from drinks being knocked over as I reached for them (not helped by my then lack of getting up to get paper towels or towels to clean them up).  Yes you are allowed to laugh at this, I have since I’ve started feeling better lol.


But I am pretty much all good now, the life lesson has been learnt and filed away for atlst a few months, and below is my new lounge layout for all you curious people.  Yes I have two 8-seater tables up, and yes I can only sit 2 people cos of all the crafting stuff, but that’s why I live alone, so I can enjoy spread out crafting space :) And if you are wondering where the china cabinet is, it’s in my bdrm and it looks super awesome surrounded by purple, like it’s made to be in that colour scheme (picture the emoji with hearts as eyes here lol).  Anyhow, I am back to happy JB, and I hope you dudes and dudettes are all doing good as well xxx

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