Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rotorua part two

Today Missie and I wandered to the lake via the Thermal Walkway or atlst that is what we have decided to call it :) we were hoping to see some mud pools cos Missie ain't seen any before but it seems Vegas has cooled down some since last time I was here. We saw plenty of steam but only a few areas where the water was boiling and no boiling mud :( closest we got was boiling muddy water. The lake was very pretty so was worth the walk even if did see all that we wanted.

Poukeko friend :) 

We have been warned 

Just like the colours in this pic :)

Steam, we found steam

Burnt trees, looked rather spectacular and a lil weird

Back of the Government Gardens buildings

Boiling dirty water

Lake and a tree

Lake and lots of trees

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