Monday, January 30, 2017

Back to the Naki

This morning Spartacus, Glenny, Missie and I headed back home to the Naki. It was a very nice day for a drive, that is till we got to Mt Messenger then it started raining. We mostly had the road to ourselves which was lovely, the only truck we got stuck behind was on SH3A and being only a short way from home we did not mind much at all.

We stopped a couple of times at places we have always driven past and thought 'we should stop there one day'. The first was the stairs going up the hill at Lake Whakamaru, turns out it doesn't go to a lookout but seems like it's attached to a walk or something. We just went to the top of the stairs and stopped there. The next was in the middle of nowhere along SH3 just past the 80km section for that bad bit of rock wall at the top of that hill. Nothing to see there really but it looks like there should be a lookout as there are steps by a pulloff area. Lots of farmland to see, spose to a tourist it might be a great photo, to us it was just a photo and a good chance to change music :) 

Group photo at Lake Whakamaru

Halfway down the stairs

Spartz at Lake Whakamaru

Middle of nowhere, SH3

Random pic, middle of nowhere lol

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