Saturday, January 14, 2017

Pouakai Crossing

Today Dad, Sus, Missie and I did the Pouakai Crossing.  We started from the Mangorei Road end as the Tarns are better to go to in the morning, or so I have been told.  For me I would rather walk up the Mangorei Track than down it so I like starting that end better.  Mum very kindly got up early to drop us off which was much appreciated.  Obviously we stopped at Pouakai Hut for a photo stop so Missie could tick it off on her hut list (Sus had already been this year), then we wandered over to the Tarns for the standard photo stop.

After a short coffee break on the Plateau we then headed down to the swamp.  Along the way we encountered mud, lots and lots of mud.  Up until here it had mostly been boardwalks we were walking on so not so much mud.  I very gracefully, I would like to think, managed to end up sitting in a giant mud puddle when I lost my balance trying to avoid it.  I know, so classy of me.  I then, a bit further down the track, managed to get my whole boot in the mud, but only one of them so one was brown and mudded and the other was just a lil mudded.  It was ok though because after the bridge at the swamp a lot of the boardwalk was under water so my boots got washed, so kind of the mountain really.

After a lunch stop at Holly Hut (yup another hut ticked off Missie's list) we then walked up and up and up and up (just keep adding ups till you are tired and you will be almost there) just to come back down again.  We got to North Egmont 7 hours after leaving which I think was a good effort for us, ok so Dad and Sus would have been able to do it way faster and Bro even faster I bet but I'm still stoked with the effort.  Mum then came and picked us up and had afternoon tea with us up at the cafe there.  I also found a donation box for maintenance and upgrades on Egmont National Park so am happy, conned Mum and Dad out of some coinage to put in as I didn't have any :) next time I will though :)

Overall it was a tiring but good day :) cheers Pa for coming along for a wander :)

Pouakai Hut, duh hehe

The Tarns

Pouakai Plateau

Heading down to the swamp no 1 (Missie suits green)

Heading down to the swamp no 2 (I'm a sucker for cool trees)

The bridge at the swamp

Holly Hut, duh hehe

Lunch break at Holly Hut

Dof having a refreshing drink

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