Sunday, January 29, 2017

Rotorua part three

Ystdy (Saturday) we went to the Rotorua A&P show, mostly just for a wander around and to see what was there. Missie, of course, made some more friends, she seems to rack up new friends quite easily. And me and bro had fun wandering around. There wasn't as much good stuff or shopping type stuff as we were expecting but we did watch the wood chopping and highland dancing for a bit and chatted to a few of the animals. After the A&P show we went to find some boiling mud at one of the local parks. We did managed to find some as well so Missie is happy. She has decided to come back in winter when the ground is not so dry as she thinks she will see more then.

This morning we went for a wander in the Redwoods, and I just wanna say getting a full redwood in a photo is hard enough but when you are trying to get Missie in as well, and seeable, it's a bit of a mish, bro did a great job though and got me and Missie and a redwood :) it was a lovely walk, nice and cool cos of all the trees and ferns :) 

Missie's friend Donkey

Missie got on very well with the Alpacas

And the sheep, even though the sheep didn't seem to like me as much :(

She then decided she'd have a go at using a chainsaw

We watched proper horses doing their thing

Missie's favourite army vehicle, I think it's cos of the stars so she thinks she has a rank hehe

Boiling mud :D

We just liked the view with the steaming lake :)

Me, Missie and a Redwood :)

Yup we stayed behind the fence....

A fallen redwood

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