Monday, January 23, 2017

Rotorua part one

So am chilling in Vegas with Brudda for the week. Came over on Friday as we were going to the Medieval Faire in Tauranga on Saturday. The Medieval Faire was alright, not as good as we were expecting so we didn't stay long but still was good for a trip :)

Yesterday we just chilled cos the weather was mega ick, summer yeah right. Today Missie and I did some exploring, wandered to the Rose Garden next to bros place then found a cemetery and then after a bit more wandering we found Government Gardens then we wandered home. Don't wanna do all our exploring in one day :) 

Missie found a suitably coloured shield 

An old school lathe

Getting ready for battle

Apparently this is Missie's Rose 

Our friend at the cemetery 

A family of quack quacks :) 

'The Ghost Soldier' sculpture at Government Gardens

'Mana' sculpture at Government Gardens

House at Government Gardens, for once without loads of tourists in front of it :) 

Missie making friends with the locals

We like how they paint these, esp this one :)

More local friends for Missie 

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