Friday, January 13, 2017

More Mountain Wandering

Today Dad and I went for a few wanders round Dawson Falls.  The first wander was to Dawson Falls themselves, both the base of the falls and the lookout, then we wandered to Wilkies Pools and were sad to see they had built a bridge over the stream but atlst you could still rock hop up to the pools themselves.  Then we headed to Waingongoro Hut via the cool swing bridge, had a food stop then headed back to Dawson Falls carpark via the Powerstation.  On our way back home we stopped at the Cardiff Walkway which by the way does not take you to Cardiff, pretty mean if you ask me, I mean Capt Jack Harkness could surely rig something up from his end to transport us there but Noooooo he hasn't, so rude! The Cardiff Walkway was a lot more steep up and down than either me or dad expected, not sure I would do it again though the view of the mountain in a couple places were pretty awesome :)

My Mountain

 Dawson Falls

Chilling at Wilkies Pools

View of Mountain from cool swing bridge

They made it to the hut :)

At Waingongoro Hut

Massive as sign at start of Cardiff Walkway

One of the cool Mountain views along the Cardiff Walkway

Mountain through the lookout, Cardiff Walkway

On lookout, Cardiff Walkway

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