Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Went to my first ceilidh on Saturday night (it is pronounced kay-lee for those of you who are like me and don't know how to pronounce that word when its written like that).  It was mega mega fun and we (Salome and I) will def be going back.  Salome has been to a few already but I keep being busy when they are on, silly silly mistake on my behalf.

For those who don't know a ceilidh is Scottish music and Scottish dancing.  It was basically 3.5 hours of awesome music and lots of bouncing, if you don't know the steps you just bounce along in time to the music and you are pretty much doing what you have to, well that and spin, there is lots of spinning involved as well so all around my kind of fun :)

It is also real good for the ego as if you want to do one of the dances and you don't have a partner if you walk onto the dance floor a male will come join you and if not you put your hand up and say you need a partner and then one comes :) or atlst that is what happens at this one which is cool.  There are others ceilidhs around the place but all my friends who have been to them say this is the best one, its only once a month sadly but worth it.

Salome and I went with her friend Lucie who was over for the weekend from Paris so some of the dances I danced with Salome and we took turns as to who was the male, others we danced with actual males.  Some of the dances a guy would come and ask one of us for the dance while we were standing on the sidelines and other times we would go onto the floor and wait for one or find one there.  Me being the demanding kinda forward person that I am managed to tell a guy to 'come' for one of the dances.  It was towards the end of the evening and I had danced with him a couple times and needed a partner, he was on the sidelines and I was on the floor so literally just pointed at him and said 'come', which he did and then we laughed about the fact I hadn't actually said please or would you like to dance or anything even semi polite lol.  Good thing he was a good sorta guy :)

Below are some pics that I found on the clubs Facebook page, Salome and I were going to take photos of each other dancing but neither of us sat out any dances (well except one when we both needed to pee) so that did not happen.  The first pic is of us doing a ceilidh style waltz which we were pretty good at, and the rest are just random ones which I am not in but show how much fun everyone was having :)

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