Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A typical day

So JB says she ain't been up to much which is why she ain't posted for a bit so we thought we would hi-jack her blog and show you what we get up to while she is at work, the blog has my name on it now so we ain't being naughty or anything. 

This is where we sleep, and when JB has gone to work we like trying on whichever pair of glasses she has left behind

Sometimes we make up stories about JBs life before we all met, I like being the storyteller most so Russ and Harry usually let me :)

I am also good at getting Russ ready for when we go home, Harry says he is a Scottish bear so will be staying here and will find a new family when we go but Russ is keen to come see NZ 

If it's sunny we sunbathe for a bit, this does not happen all that often being Scotland though

We chat to other bears using JBs computer to fill in time and also cos it's fun as

In the afternoon we usually watch a movie or two cos we get sleepy and need to rest, it's hard work being this active

Then JB comes home and says hi to us all and fills us in on her day which is sometimes a rant but we don't mind, we let her rant then offer her hugs cos we are good like that :)

And that is a day in the life of us :) 
Love from Missie, Russ and Harry xx

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