Thursday, June 2, 2016

My dislike of Amsterdam continues...

All you people that receive your blog updates via email might not realise this but my dislike of Amsterdam has followed me home, the mission it has been to get that post up and readable has been a nightmare and has lasted most the evening.  From this section (which you can't see but is where I type what I wanna say) it looked ok, but when I went to view it in the blog world which you all see when you go to the page it had some of the writing tiny as and some black and some white and the pictures all over the place.  I managed to get all the writing the same size after some effort but the colouring was another story.  I have no idea why but highlighting and changing the colour would work here but not be replicated in the viewable blog so half of what I wrote was white on a white background, cos yes I have renamed my blog and changed the layout again.  Finally I figured I had to retype all the stuff that was white which by this stage luckily was just the photo captions, took a few goes as it turns out if I just typed it under what was there even if I changed the colour to black before starting typing again this was not replicated in the viewable blog.  Ended up having to delete the original text before entering it all again.
And I'm still not sure why the pics are not spaced as they should be, on this version of the blog they are one enter between each and none between the pic and their caption.

So yeah Amsterdam and I are not friends and I don't see us making up anytime soon.

Also I am aware I am sounding rather calm in this post but in reality I have had to walk away from my laptop a few times else it would be a broken mess by now.

Hope your evenings have been more enjoyable :)

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