Sunday, June 5, 2016


So a couple weeks ago I went to Bada-Bing for dinner for my 1 year in the UK anniversary.  They have changed their menu a few times in the past 6 months and in the latest one they now have gluten free burgers, which I was totally stoked about as it means they can now take part in The Great Edinburgh Gluten Free Burger Hunt :) and as they are one of my fav places to go drink this is a good thing.

However as with most times I have eaten there it has not been as good as I was hoping, generally the food is all good and the service is pretty good too but there is something that lets it down, and its not even a consistent something either.  It has taken me a couple weeks to rate and rank Bada-Bing as I wasn't quite sure what to give it or where to put it but I think I have it all sorted now.

So first off I couldn't have a beef patty in my burger as they are not gluten free which was disappointing but not the end of the world, I had wanted a bacon cheese burger but that had a beef patty, instead I had a chicken and pulled pork burger.  The burger itself was very yum, way more food than would fit in the bun but that just made me laugh, however what let it down was that their chips weren't gluten free (they used to be so not sure what they have done there) so I got a side of salad which to be honest I am not a fan of, I like my burger and chips.  Overall I've decided that they deserve a 2.5, its the chips that let them down.

Current Rankings:
1. Bread Meats Bread
2. The Southern
3. Handmade Burger Co.
4. Holyrood 9A
5. Bada-Bing
6. Burger.
7. Burger Meats Bun

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