Monday, July 25, 2016

Till next time Paris

Sunday evening:
This morning Salome and I woke up far to early for a Sunday (8am but that's only 7am Edinburgh time so it counts as early) as we had stuff to do and we wanted to get back in time for Salome to see her family for a few hours before we had to leave for the airport. 

First stop was Sacre Coeur (the church on the hill, that ain't the translation by the way just the description haha) which had amazing views of Paris and also was super pretty inside. No pics from the inside though cos photos weren't allowed, dumb rude tourists were still taking pictures though. We then wandered to the village by it and got some nice paintings of Paris for ourselves and the flat :) 

Then we wandered for a while, we took the scenic route, to Moulin Rouge. It wasn't open but it was still cool to see. I was that awesome tourist that went to the Starbucks next to it for coffee lol. 

Then it was back on the tube to go to Galeries Lafayette but sadly that was shut. Turns out Paris on a Sunday means most shops are shut. Salome explained that they only open some Sunday's not all. We did manage to find me some French chocolate and nougat which I can't wait to have but am being restrained and waiting till get home for it. 

Then we got on the bus and headed towards home, stopping at the cemetery by Salome's house. It's the most famous one in Paris, Pere Lachaise. It's massive and has some pretty cool gravestones/tombstones more like lol. Missie really loved the princess one (a Russian princess is buried there) cos it's glass around the statue inside. 

We then wandered home for lunch and a rest and to pack and are now at the airport waiting for our flight to board. Sad to leave Paris but will be nice to be in own bed and cooler weather :) 

Ah the joys of traveling, just found out flight is delayed by 1hr 30mins. Oh yay, not!!

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