Monday, July 25, 2016

Is a French braid done in France still a French braid?

Saturday evening:
Nope, it's just a braid, I checked that this morning after putting my hair in French braid pigtails haha. Also it turns out the sun hates me no matter what country I am in, again mum and dad seriously with the genes you gave me?? They suck arse most the time. Just saying!!!

Today we had a sleep-in and a chilled out morning as we had to make salads for the picnic. We were meeting up with Salome's friends and some cousins for a picnic lunch at the gardens by the Musée Du Louvre, very very nice gardens by the way. We chilled there for ages (all arvo and into the evening) and ate and played cards and Salome caught up with everyone while I people watched and zoned out a fair amount with some paying attention every so often. Missie napped a lot and people watched with me for some of it. We also went and had a quick look at the Musée Du Louvre, not the paintings just the pyramids and used the toilets lol. 

We (being Salome, Missie and I) also went for a wander to see the Alexandre the Third bridge which is a famous bridge, and super fancy with golden statues on each four corners. It was a cool bridge and we also liked that we got to go under then over the bridge where you can put a padlock and throw the key in the river (The Art Bridge) on way there and back. We wandered through some more of the gardens on the way back to the group and both Missie and I think it would be a good spot to read a book cos nice and shady, well not where we were having the picnic hence the sun hating me. And before you think I might have been lazy and not used sunscreen cos it ain't NZ I was regularly applying 50+ sunscreen yet half of me (the right side) is still very very pink :( stupid evil dumb sun. Just wish it would not hate me so much, ain't fun always getting burnt when others don't even have to think about it. 

After the picnic we then headed back home for a quick dinner, I had home cooked rabbit, pretty sure it's the first time I've had rabbit and I really liked it. Was surprised it's a white meat and that it tastes so good so thanks Salome's mum for having some leftover rabbit I could have :) 

We then headed back out to meet up with another friend of Megguy and Salome's and we went to a speak easy. It wasn't what I expected, I thought the music would be quieter and more chilled like jazz or blues (not sure why I thought this just did) but it was loud and hard to talk and more pop and r'n'b. The drinks were mega expensive, I expected expensive but wasn't expecting super expensive. Had a gin and tonic and it was €14, I get that we were paying for the novelty etc but still that's an expensive drink. 

Tomorrow is going to be another full on day like yesterday was, but this time in the stupidly hot weather I will be the one in jeans as legs too sunburnt for shorts or a skirt and don't want sun to see them for like ever lol

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