Monday, July 25, 2016

Thanks Paris for reminding my why I hate long hair

Thursday evening:
Patience people the reason will come soon enough but until then let me tell you about my day :)

So went to work this morning, did the 7.30am start so I could leave at 11.30am to get the bus to the airport in plenty of time and only need to use 3hrs of leave, I know smart girl is me. I almost thought I wasn't going to get out of work, left my desk on time but was talking to colleague who was taking the lift and as I had my suitcase I thought might as well take the lift too. So we get in the lift and the doors shut, then it drops suddenly and stops, then slowly goes down to the ground floor while our hearts restarted. When we got to the bottom floor it just sat there, doors not opening. Wondered for a bit if I was gonna be stuck in a lift instead of on my way to Paris but we got the doors open all good eventually. 

And then there was no more drama till we got to the gate. First they made us wait in the gate lounge, but the board was saying flight on time, then we got to go through ticket control to get to stand in a corridor for ages, then we got to board the plane to be told that there was an issue with too many flights and not enough airspace so we got to wait on the plane for ages before take-off. And ok so I say ages, we were 38 mins late (or so the pilot said) when we landed but we took off about 45-50mins late which to me in airport speak is ages. 

When we got to Paris we got to stand at border control for ages, guess who does not have a EU passport so couldn't take the fast lane... Thankfully Salome waited with me so I had company (someone who shall remain nameless but is purple and a bear fell asleep in the queue, like she so often does). Salome has said she will ditch me in Edinburgh on the way home cos I get to fill in a form and be questioned and finger printed lol I am sure she was joking, I hope she was joking...

We finally got through and made it out to the train station where we met Salome's younger brother.  He met us as Salome was meeting up with Meggy (her sister) to go to the BeyoncĂ© concert and her brother was bringing me back to their house where we are staying. Neither Salome's brother or mum speak much English and my French is rusty at best but her brother and I managed enough to get me back here and through introductions with her mum. I was going to use the google translate app to communicate with her mum but their wi-fi is down at the moment so that is out. However we did just fine communicating through pointing and using a map (we were discussing where we had been and wanted to go, she said Egypt is a must, it was on my list already and I can't wait to go some day) and through using a kids French to English book with helpful pictures to discuss most other topics. Only a couple things we couldn't work out or explain so those were left. The book actually came in very useful for saying what I could and couldn't eat (Salome had told her mum obviously), we pointed out different foods (there was a supermarket page) and I would say oui or non depending. Dinner was also real good, we had pork and veges followed by melon and yoghurt and some of the cake Salome made back home. 

So far I like what I have seen of Paris, well except for the heat. It's super warm and super muggy here, hence the comment that I hate long hair. There's too much of it for hot and muggy weather and I have a feeling that we will no longer be friends come the end of the weekend, not that we are friends really to begin with cos I put a hair dye remover through it last weekend which not only made the flat smell like Rotorua but also pretty much ruined my hair. It's super course and dry now and is like I've been swimming in chlorine and not washed it :( boo hair. Oh and it's back being ginger which is not my fav colour for it. 

You may be wondering why this is being posted at the end of the weekend and not the day as I'm talking about it, well it's cos there is no wi-fi at the moment here and I don't need my phone for anything much else so no point paying for roaming data. Just figured I would type something up as I go, maybe each day who knows, so I don't forget stuff and can remember enough to keep babbling for ya (hehe) and I will post them all on the way back to the flat when I get back to Edinburgh. Pics will come in the next week or so, I say that as my laptop ain't always my friend these days and sometimes it won't make the Internet work and most times I have a mission getting it to recognize when I plug something into the USB ports and as photos will be on my camera this is gonna need to happen for me to get them onto my laptop and then blog. I envision much swearing and a few walk-aways so I don't smash it before it all gets out onto the blog world for you to enjoy. 

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