Monday, July 25, 2016

Steps, so many steps

Friday evening:
So today started with me being woken up way too early by Salome (ok so it was 7.30 and we had decided on just before 7 but still) as we had to get up and get ready cos we had a full on day ahead. 

First stop was the Eiffel Tower which we walked up after going through security (bag check like at sports games) to get in to the area under the tower then security again (more airport style with bag scanner and body scanner this time) to get access to the stairway up. Sorry pa didn't count the steps but there was more than 10 cos I ran out of fingers hehe. The first level was cool and we walked right around with Salome pointing out all the sights. The normally green field where lots of pics of the Eiffel Tower seem to be taken was more brown and dry than green due to it being the fanzone for the recent Euros (they're a football thing). Missie didn't think it was that hard to walk up the steps, somehow gotta figure out a way for her to have to do the hard work while I go along for a ride methinks. Anyhow after checking out level one we headed up to level two, it's the highest you can walk up and it's about halfway. The third level is the very top. The views on the second level were super cool, Missie was definitely impressed and glad we had gone up. She got very excited when we saw a couple of guys clipped to the other side of the fence and wanted to join in but they were maintenance people so we weren't allowed, boo, but a new potential job has been added to my mental list lol. 

After the Eiffel Tower we got back on the tube (oh yeah we took the tube there, and for most places today) and headed to the Arc De Triomphe. We had to wait in line for ages here to get tickets but when we got through and looked around the base it was super cool, it's like a giant war memorial. We then headed up this, more steps, and it turns out I'm not a fan of walking up spiral staircases, there are no levels to mark progress so no clue how long you've been walking for. About halfway up there was a floor that had a very random statue of a angry looking man with a dragon on his head, yup took a pic hehe. There was also a photo display of uniforms from diff regiments in the First World War, Missie and I agree that NZ had the coolest hat. We then kept climbing and made it to the top. The views were cool, more greenery than from the Eiffel Tower which I liked. All the streets seemed to head out in straight lines from the roundabout which went around Arc De Triomphe and when I commented on how straight the roads are Salome said it was just here they were straight. 

After we got back to the ground we met up with Megguy to get lunch and go shopping. We walked down the Champs-Elysees and then headed for a gluten free bakery which Salome found online. We walked for ages in the ridiculous heat and when we got to the bakery it turned out that they only sold a few loafs of sans gluten bread (gluten free bread), not that all the food was sans gluten. Annoying and kinda gutted but nothing we could do so we went looking for food. We were all starving so found a lil cafe to have lunch, and the food was incredible. So so good. I had some chicken something and a salad, mmmm yummy. 

We then wandered round a nearby park for a bit which was real nice. Could picture going there with a book if I lived in Paris and wanted to chill for a while. Then it was off to the mall to go shopping (took the tube not walked). Missie enjoyed shopping and I enjoyed the shopping and the aircon lol. 

After shopping we said goodbye to Megguy and headed back to Salome's mum's to drop off the shopping before heading out to go to dinner. We (Salome's mum, Salome, me, Megguy and Megguy's boyfriend) went to a local place for dinner that was having a mussels, fries and dessert deal thing. I had mussels steamed with butter and obviously fries for mains and then creme brûlée for dessert. All so yum. Missie didn't come as she opted for a nap instead. 

After dinner we wandered around Paris for a while and Megguy was my tour guide this time. We saw the 'beach' which is a big patch of sand on the footpath by the river, actually looked way nicer than that description makes it sound lol, the Eiffel Tower from a distance, Notre Dame which looked lovely all light up, City Hall which looked incredible and just general Paris at nighttime. It's a very nice city, I like it. Don't think I would fit in all that well though as basically no redheads, only seen one so far, and tattoos are very not common. Salome said they are not seen as a good thing here and I noticed only really looks like tourists have them and if a local has one it's very discreet, which mine so totally are *cough cough* lol

Sightseeing I thought Missie was silly to have picked a nap over going out but on the tube back when all I wanted was a bed I thought she was pretty damn smart. Only two days left and I can't wait but also don't want time to fly as I'm liking it here (again, just in case you've forgotten) minus the heat lol

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