Sunday, December 13, 2015

El Piano - York

So after checking out the NRM I decided to google gluten free places to eat, figured no point ending up at some chain that I coulda gone to in Edinburgh.

Well the first result was GBK (Gourmet Burger Kitchen) which seeing as it was so bad in Edinburgh to not even make it onto my list of GF burger places I decided not to go there.  
The next few all just looked boring so they were also skipped over, then I saw El Piano, the name had me intrigued and the website even more so when I read that everything they made was gluten free (and that you aren't allowed to bring you own food in, not even for infants, as it could contaminate the food). So I looked at the menu and it looked incredible and I could eat anything I wanted, so off I headed to find this cool restaurant. 

Got a lil sidetracked on the way at the markets in The Shambles, then got a lot sidetracked at the markets lol. Some very cool stuff there, good thing it was the day before pay day so I couldn't spend too much. Was a lil surprised at the fact that not all the fudge stalls made their fudge gluten free, kinda assumed that it just was unless it had biscuits or something like that in it, oh well they do say you learn something new every day :)

Anyhow I eventually got back on track and found El Piano, it was totally worth going. The food was amazing and the staff were real friendly. So wanted a dessert but didn't end up having room :( it's ok tho cos I went back on Friday for breakfast and had dessert then hehe :) 

After dinner I was gonna go do a ghost tour or something (a semi vague plan I had that was soon not happening) but once again got distracted, this time wandering around the city checking out the old buildings all lit up (do love them at night) and seeing all the Christmas lights. Wandered around for a couple hours just chilling then decided to head back to accom so I could get up early-ish the next morning, I really wanted to walk the City Walls and didn't wanna wait. 

My dinner

Random photos of York at night

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