Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How well do you know me...

Did you think I'd go to a dr when the sore on my thumb didn't get better after a couple days? If so you don't know me very well at all, sorry. 

Did you think I'd go to a dr when it wasn't getting better and it had been a week and I had tried a couple things at home? Sorry you still don't know me all that well but your closer than if you guessed a couple days. 

Did you think I'd get medical help if wasn't better after two weeks and I'd tried a bunch of DIY stuff myself and it was looking quite nasty and actually hurting enough that I was bothered by it? Hey look you know me quite well :)

After two visits to the hospital turns out it was/is just a bad infection (visit one resulted in me getting to go back after 24hrs when the cream stuff they put on had opened it up as it had started healing trapping a bunch of pus and ick in it). Now I have a pretty big bandage on it that I need to leave on for 4 days then can take it off and it should be well on its way to being healed :) 

My thumb day before I got medical attention

My thumb now

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