Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Stuff etc

Not that you would know but when I started work I thought I'd do a weekly update on a Sunday evening so you'd all know what I'd been up to, it's now Monday evening and I've been at work for over 3 weeks so you can see how awesomely that plan is going hehe. But as they say better late than never so here goes...

Last week was week 3 of training, we have one more week to go then we are off to join our team :) I'm looking forward to it.

For the month of August the Fringe Festival is running in Edinburgh, this is a festival with heaps of performances including music, comedy, theatre, spoken word and more. Some are free, some cost. Some are scheduled and others you can catch just by walking around the city. I went to a free improv show on Wednesday that was real good, was called Spontaneous Sherlock and the comedians acted out a story from a title suggested by the audience. They did a fantastic job and were real funny.  On Sunday I was gonna go to a spoken word show to see if it is something I might like but got sidetracked when heard a musician playing on the Royal Mile and ended up listening to him instead and even bought his cd at the end of his show. Funny thing is he is from NZ, crazy really how I heard him on the other side of the world (oh and true to NZ/Aus form they say he's from Aussie cos he's been living in Melbourne (yes I googled him cos he has a song called Kia Kaha so I was curious lol)). 

On Friday night Jo and I went to Camera Obscura (World of Illusion), so much fun. Totally recommended anyone who is anywhere near Edinburgh. There are 6 levels of fun including a mirror maze, cool figure changing mirrors, puzzles, optical illusions, a tunnel that makes you feel like your spinning upsidedown and much more :)

And on Saturday I went for a wander and got the coolest t-shirt in the world from a charity shop for only £3, if it's even been worn it hasn't been much :) 

Camera Obscura

Coolest t-shirt possibly ever

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