Tuesday, August 11, 2015

No mum when you need her :(

For the first time, I think ever, I needed my mum when she wasn't around and was not a phone call away :(

So over the weekend I somehow got a small cut on my thumb (lower knuckle), cos I kept bumping it I put a plaster on it for work today and throughout the day it got sorer and sorer but I figured it was just me being a drama queen.  However when I got home from work and took the plaster off it was all pusey and icky and a lil swollen and bigger than this morning (turns out get a lil faint at unexpected pus on me, whoops).  So not sure what to do and with not much stuff handy I soaked hand in salt water (not sure that worked) then put Dettol cream on it, and have kept reapplying.  Its still all weepy but it better get better and not worse overnight cos my visa don't cover medical stuff over here and I doubt my travel insurance would cover this....

So fingers crossed come tomorrow morning when I wake up it will be all better :)

And if anyone knows what I did to get the cut in the first place please let me know lol, I would love to know :) 

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