Monday, September 7, 2015

Pretty much perfect :)

Ok so my weekly updating of my blog is not off to a great start but that's ok, this is me after all :) 

This weekend has been pretty much perfect. Nothing spectacular but still awesome as. Friday night went to a movie after work (Straight Outta Compton), was pretty cool when you look past the fact that they kinda glorified the main stars and ignored all the bad that they did - it's based on a true story of some rappers who made it big back in the 90s. Then on the way home I had a burger from Burger. - more on that in another post. And then I walked home in the rain and it was awesome :) work that day was pretty good to. And in the evening me, Jo and Ben all shared my bday champagne while we caught up on our day :)

Saturday I chilled out all morning, then went and got a hair cut (dont panic, it was just a trim and style as changing part position), then wandered the shops. Got my new favourite hoodie, it's a Dr Who one - white with lots of different Dr Who quotes and images in black. It might even be more worn than the one I borrowed from Doffy and never ended up returning hehe. Did get some other stuff to like headbands, couple t-shirts and nail polish. Then just chilled again in the evening. 

Today was also a chilled out morning, then Jo and I went to Elephants and Bagels for lunch, turned out I was the only GF person in ystdy and they remembered me (they generally do remember that I need a separate toaster which is cool), then we went shopping and I got some cool pj pants and awesome as boots. Then I went home and chilled for a bit before going to the gym - 5.8 miles in 60 mins, not too bad :) Now eating dinner and thinking how awesome this wknd was and that you should all know about it so am typing this :) Hoping you all had good wknds to :) 

Oh and PS my thumb is doing much better, gotta love antibiotics. Is now just pink where a layer or so of skin is missing and have the feeling back in it :) :) :)

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