Monday, September 21, 2015

Running, just keep running...

Sometimes I think you have a lot to answer for Doffy, because of you the bookworm JB who was happy just curled up all weekend with a book or two or three is gone. Today woulda been a perfect day to just read and do nothing else but nooooooo the new crazy insane JB went for a 14km run cos she has a half marathon coming up in just over a month. Can't remember who I've told and who I haven't but I am doing a half marathon with a friend in Switzerland at the end of October so am in training at the moment. Is pretty fun to be honest, even when I am sore and think I hate it in reality I love running. Think MapMyRun is broken though, that's the app that I use to track my runs, it tells me how far I've gone and speed overall as well as speed per km. Reason I think it's broken is cos it says I ran the 14km with an average pace of 5.47min/km, I don't often average under 6min kms but I'm totally taking it :) hehe. 

Hope you all have had good weekends to :) 

1 comment:

badad said...

Bout time you learnt to take responsibility for your own insanity. After all you are a big girl now :-p