Friday, June 26, 2015

Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh

Yup Missy and I went to the Royal Botanic Gardens, mostly cos it was free and I figured that as someone who recently worked in Parks I should check it out and see if it was any good, plus I'd heard they were real good.

They are massive, and to sum up what I thought as I walked around it was basically, 'oh look tree tree tree, oh pretty tree, plant plant plant, boring plants, oh goodie lots of green blah blah blah'.  Did decide there are either not enough purple flowers in the world or they just don't have many there, this is very sad, purple is a cool colour so you would think there would be lots of plants that are purple.  Did find a couple of purple plants that I liked though so that was all good.  My fav part was definitely the Rock Garden, though to be honest I expected a garden of rocks, that would have been logical, instead it was an alpine garden with alpiney plants and stuff and signs about what grows at what altitudes.  I didn't read these signs of course, just like I didn't read any others that were there.  Am sure if you liked stuff like this you would have gotten more out of it that I did but I did have some awesome music playing so was happy just bopping along and chilling out :)

Saw a super cute duck and squirrel and didn't even need to use zoom on my camera for photos as they were just chilling out with us and let me and Missy walk right up to them to photos :) def made the visit to the gardens worth it :) hehe

Cute duck

Super Cute Squirrel

Cool seat

Me on cool seat :) hehe

Cool trees :) just a couple of the cool ones I saw :)

Rock Garden

Purple flowers I like :)

Cool thing I can't spell in the Chinese Garden

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