Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Plagues and exploring some more

Went to Eyam on Sunday, it's the plague town :) hehe. Basically what happened was that when the plague arrived in 1665 or whenever it was they were the only town up this way to get it so to save the neighbouring villages they self-imposed a quarantine thing so no one left the village and they buried their dead in their gardens. It meant that pretty much the whole town died cept for a few women (cos we all know women are the true survivors hehe) and the odd man. And now you can walk around the town and read how many people died in each cottage and who (if anyone) survived. Was actually pretty cool. 

Yesterday went exploring and shopping in Chesterfield, got me a bank account (yay) and couldn't resist going op-shopping (at the British Red Cross so def a good cause) and got me a couple tops. One practical and one totally not but looks awesome on so I got it lol. Also wandered around the church there, it is pretty awesome with it's curly top bit :) some pics below. 

Am of to Edinburgh today, so can't wait for that one. Train leaves in just under an hour :) my friend Jo is meeting me at the station there which is cool. Has been awesome staying with Zan and Noel and catching up again. Am leaving some stuff here so I have an excuse (not that I need one) to come back to visit :) hehe. Definitely loving the Peak District :)

Chesterfield St Mary's and All Saints Parish Church

Yes this was on the church grounds, dunno why but I think it's cool lol

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