Friday, June 5, 2015


So I figure you guys are prob waiting for some cool photos from my exploring of Edinburgh, right? Well that's gonna be kinda hard as not really explored yet. There is some very good reasons for this which I will tell you. 

Yesterday I had a job interview in the morning and then I planned to go sightseeing after it. However the job interview consisted of hardly any questions then a 4hr trial I see if I was suitable (unpaid unless I choose to work there). It was for a souviner shop up by the castle, before the interview I thought could be fun. After the trial I got the feeling that they were shady people, at no time was a contract mentioned, they said it was ok that I didn't have a National Insurance Number (UK version of IRD number) and they said they couldn't guarantee me full time work but could prob offer me 20hrs a week (they advertised for full time staff fyi). After talking to Jo (mate I'm staying with) and Ben (her flatmate) they said that the shop has a bad rep and high staff turnover. So I'm still unemployed but happy which is more impt I think. 

Today I went to go sightseeing, fully planned on it but ended up op-shopping instead hehe. So much I coulda got if was working and had a place to live but instead I limited myself to just one mega awesome dress for autumn/spring-ish time :) looks gorgeous on to :) 

I did climb Arthur's Seat this afternoon though, it has great views from the top of all of Edinburgh and I can see it becoming one of my fav places to go read a book. Found the wrong path heading down and ended up on the scenic route, saying scenic route as doubt mum and dad would be thrilled to hear that their baby girl was clinging to a cliff type thing while figuring out how to get down without ending up splattered on the rocks below, and no I didn't turn around don't be silly even thinking that sort of thought lol. Found the path in the end and it was all sweet as. All the pics below are of Arthur's Seat :)

Tomorrow, fingers crossed, will be a sightseeing day :)

Arthur's Seat, Holyrood Park

Not sure what the deal is with this being padlocked but it cracked me up so I'm sharing it hehe

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