Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Long wknd and RDO #2

I feel like my wknd was rather uneventful but am sure there are those of you out there that would disagree, especially as for starters it was a long wknd, 5 days to be exact, well 5 and a bit cos I finished early on Wednesday.  So here is a day by day summary and you can decide if you think it was uneventful or not :)
Wednesday I finished work early so bro and I could go watch the Blackcaps at McLean Park.  They were playing India and they came a solid second lol.  It was far too hot and we both decided that we don’t really like live sport in practice, only in theory.
Thursday had the day off and we went to watch the White Ferns play India at McLean Park.  Again we came second but the girls put up a better fight than the boys did.  It was also overcast and cooler, and less crowded so I didn’t mind watching it live.
Friday we headed home to see mum and dad and to swap cars for me.  Long drive but that’s a given these days, boo to this small country having crap roads and long routes anywhere.

Saturday dad and I headed into Stachurski Motors to trade Spartz in for Cleo.  Cleo is my new car that mum and dad chose out of the few that they test drove and using a list of things I wanted.  Sad to say goodbye to Spartz but me and him had a blast while it lasted, sadly my body just won’t drive a manual no more and he was starting to cost a bit.  Cleo is a Nissan Teana, automatic.  She is a great girl and I think me and her are gonna have lots of fun together.  Picture will come when I have one of her somewhere cool, she doesn’t want a just boring pic as her first one lol.
Sunday bro and I drove back to mine.  Went to Three Wise Birds for a cider with Samara and David, then out to dinner at a pizza place in Havelock North which was real nice.  Bro was nice and got a gf base as well so we could share pizzas.
Monday was my second and last RDO.  Bro headed home in the morning and I headed down to Radio Kidnappers where I will be working from the 18th February as their Broadcast Technician.  I went down just to see them and hang a bit, get a bit of an orientation as well.  Was surprising how quickly the time went, I was there for almost 3 hours but it didn’t feel like it.  I know you are probably wondering what I will be doing there as work and the answer is a bit of everything, but mostly the technical stuff like putting shows together and getting them in the system to go on air and ensuring that the music playlists are updated semi regularly as well as training new broadcasters on how to work the equipment.  I am not going to be on air, except when interviewing people.
So yeah that was my long wknd, not very eventful was it :p lol

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