Monday, January 14, 2019

RDO #1

My first rostered day off (RDO) was very chilled and semi productive.

I continued my French history lessons. A few interesting things I've learnt from these lessons so far:
1: speaking French is only a recent-ish thing, they used to speak English with English, Scottish and Irish accents.
2: Paris has moved, you used to be able to ride (on a horse) to the Spanish border to have a fight or rescue someone or such like, and return in less than a day, quick enough to still have time to have a fight or do some business on your return to Paris.
3: never be a Red Guard for the king, always be a musketeer. Red Guards die at a huge rate, musketeers don't die at all. Not quite sure how the Red Guards keep filling up their ranks, maybe this will be explained later in my lessons though.

I signed up to a doctors, finally I know but there haven't been any openings in Hastings since I moved here in either of the two practices I wanted to join. This I was glad I had a day off during the week to do, so score one for this trial hehe.

Inbtwn the rain I managed to get rid of two bucket loads of dirt, I sprinkled the dirt on the lawn as per dad's suggestion. Only got rained on a bit while doing it.

Did some sewing after lunch. Finish the maxi skirt I started ystdy, plan A and B were ystdy and plan C was today. Luckily today's plan worked out all good. Plan B didn't work cos someone, not naming names, didn't measure properly or check measurements that she did take so cut wrong. Silly rookie mistake I know. Atlst plan C worked out well, skirt looks very cool I think.
I also turned 2 dresses into tops. One I cut shorter and added splits up the sides and the other I shrunk in hot water, it's kinda fun deliberately shrinking something.

I've also continued my Swedish camping research. Not sure I'd recommend camping in Sweden if this source is accurate, though I am only half way through so anything could happen yet. Just have to stop reading it before bed cos it does not aid peaceful sleep....

French lessons

Swedish camping research

My new skirt :) 

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