Sunday, February 3, 2019

Things I've learnt over the last couple weeks

I don't mind bugs and critters:
Spiders I've always let live in my room, they are cool, but in the past I've killed or forced outside all other bugs and critters. Living alone though, for some reason, I seem to be letting more live than before. Flies still die, and cockroaches if they are in the wrong place but otherwise I seem to let them live. I currently have, sharing my house, a grasshopper missing one of his hoppy legs, a couple of centapeds, many spiders, and a butterfly. Not sure how a butterfly came to be inside but it did so it stays.

I possibly shouldn't be left alone with paint test pots when I have no canvases to paint on and I'm bored:
Tho I think it looks cool 😊

It is harder work unbuilding one bed and then building two when Doffy is not around:
Not impossible just harder, though it is also summer now not winter so it's hotter which could be what made it harder... So hard to tell with no Doffy around to help so no comparison can be made. Oh the hard things in life lol. Anyhow reason had to unbuild one bed and then build two was I moved my bed to the smaller room which is cooler and has my purple curtains which I've missed, and then reassembled the single bed in the bigger room which is now craft and spare room. Also means I don't lose access to my sewing machine when I have visitors 😊 mega bonus. And it's so much nicer sleeping in the cooler of the two rooms. About the only one not super happy with the new arrangement is E.J. and that's cos he used to be in charge of the spare room but now it's my room so Glenny is in charge and E.J. is in charge of just the shelves. Am sure he'll get used to it and decide having more me is way better though so I'm not worried 😊

I do not want a hedgehog as a pet:
Laura and Ted visited this wknd which was real nice, we just chilled and caught up, with a bit of shopping and a brunch. They brought Eddie with them who is their pet hedgehog and although he is cool I don't think I want one as a pet. So that's one off the list... Many on it but would put money on me not getting one for ages cos overall like not having one. Tho there is a new cat who likes my property, this is the third but I ain't seen the original two for ages so maybe this one is the new one, anyhow this one is less scared of me so it might stick around more. Or the ginger one could come back, think he's my fav lol

Also for those unaware of the passage of time ystdy was my half bday 😛 am now 33 and a half 😊 what a old lady aye 🤣

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