Sunday, March 4, 2018

Things I’ve learnt this weekend...

  • Ahuriri is like its own little town in the middle of Napier, and it has a place that sells chicken and chips that I can eat - yum yum

  • Rollerblading when there is a strong as wind is a dumb idea

  • There is a little dog that likes me when I’m on my bike but when I’m on rollerblades it goes insane barking circles around me (literally), its owner is a nice old man whether I’m on a bike or blades though

  • Ice cream and Easter eggs totally makes a nutritional dinner (ok so this one I knew and was just re-proving)

  • Everything in life has small print, even when its not actually written down - like the walk I went on this morning which says best done anti-clockwise, they mean do it this way cos then you have to walk up the snakes and ladders section which took the park ranger 3 years to dig out of the side of the hill with a pike and shovel (side note - maybe someone should have given him some work so he didn’t have to do that) and then the universe can have a laugh at you when you’re knackered and looking up realising you have ages to go, and then when you are really knackered and stopping to take photos (Missie wanted to, had nothing to do with how tired I was) the universe will send a runner along just to show you you could be way fitter

  • When your brother calls you an idiot sometimes it is best to just agree - a small walk would have been enough today after ystdys tiring as rollerblading effort

  • Even when you seem busy there is plenty of time to get comfy on the couch with Glenny and watch DVDs and read :) which is what wknds really should be for hehe
  • Missie truely does make friends easily, she tried to take one home with her and I explained that her spider friend had to stay in the park

Pics from walk/tramp this morning - Te Mata Peak
Redwoods area, with the weirdest little bridge lol

Hi guys *waving*

We made some friends, these moo moo's were way more friendly than the boring sheep we met

This one and the one above are from our photo stop most the way up the snakes and ladders section

Hehe loved the caution sign

We made it...

Hi from the top

Found the trig so musta made it to the top...

We also found a Missie sized trig :)

Just chilling, the big trig is on the left peak, and the Missie sized one is on the middle peak :)

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