Sunday, March 18, 2018

Moving, Museums and Coffee

Ystdy I moved from the friends place I was staying at into the flat I will be staying at for the next while :) It was pretty much an uneventful move, started to spit just as I was bringing in my last bag and when moved into room it was to the great disappointment of two cats both of whom apparently thought it was there room.  Turns out the person in this room before me kept the door shut so they hadn't been in here for 2 years, all it takes is one evening and one morning though for a cat haha.  The two boys, Azi and Boots, have been ok with my company and Azi has been demanding hugs since I moved in.  Turns out Azi also eats GF Ginger Cake, this was discovered by accident when he tried to eat what I was eating so I dropped some on the floor figuring he would turn his nose up at it but seems he may be another Dawson so will have to be careful.  Azi and I are arguing over my bed, he thinks its his and is not a fan of me being on when he is (he's full of love out in the lounge though, weird boy), Boots spent the afternoon chilling under the bed while I was chilling on it which was nice.  The girl cat greeted me with a hiss, and I have received a few of these, but tonight I got in a couple of pats which was awesome.

My people flatmates are Sonya, who owns the house, and Soni who is 35.  They are both real nice people and I think we will get on well.  Its a good place cos if I feel like chilling in my room thats ok but if I want to chill in the lounge or conservatory then that is cool too :)

Ystdy after moving in and kinda unpacking I wandered into town to see how long it will take to walk to work, is only gonna take 20mins give or take which is cool :) stoked cos now Spartz can be a lazy old man and only go for a drive every so often hehe.  I also went and checked out the MTG (Museum, Theatre, Gallery).  It was small but still had some real cool stuff in it and plenty of interactive stuff for us people who don't stand and read stuff haha.  Had to get a kid to show me how to use some of the bits, couldn't get the pictures to make noise when I tapped them, turned out I was tapping too hard and just needed to be more gentle lol.  Missie and I also did some weaving, went back in time and played in a jazz band :) Turns out though, if you are in denial about earthquakes it is not the best idea to check out the 1931 Earthquake exhibition, that was not our smartest idea ever.

We then wandered to the library which has been relocated to be in part of the museum cos its old building (which is my teams old building as well) is not earthquake safe so is being fixed.  It's obviously a small library now but its kinda nice and friendly in its new location.

Today met up with Samara and her partner David for coffee at Hapi.  Everything at Hapi is GF which is awesome, the only problem is its also heather :( I got a slice of cake which was the most amazing cake ever, atlst at the start, by the end sadly it was tasting healthy (which it was) and that took some of the fun out of it :( boo healthy cake.

Oh and on Friday we also finished the craft thing we talked about last blog, or was it the one before..... Anyhow, had painted some rags Dof sent me (see how much I'm loved lol) just to play but liked what had painted so turned it into a cushion.  The cushion is also stuffed with the rags we were sent so its a fully rag cushion hehe :)

The cushion 'we' made

Our weaving effort

Found a cool bicycle hehe

Bad exhibition to have checked out, well good if you wanted to learn about it, bad if you want to pretend you don't live on a fault line

We headed back in time :)

Playing Jazz music in the music exhibition :) we was pretty good actually lol

Not sure about this cos we didn't read the info but Missie liked the pic hehe

On the outside of the MTG, from the side (they are giant sewing pins, apparently)

The outside, from the outside

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