Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Blading by the beach

So just in case you dudes and dudettes thought I only went out and had fun in the wknds this post is to show you that I have fun during the week as well :)

Was meant to be going out for dinner tonight with some soon to be friends (it was a meetup meet up.  meetup is an online community where you can join up to groups of like-minded people and then go to events that are organised, or if your dedicated you could start a group and then do the organising lol), but the dinner was cancelled due to lack of people, sad.  Since I didn't want to cook, shock horror I know lol, I decided to go to the supermarket to get something I could eat down by the beach.  Then since my rollerblades were in Spartz already decided to go for a blade :)

It was such a lovely evening for a blade, and I learnt from last time and went into the head wind first so on way back it was not so tough :) me is getting smarter hehe.  Although after saying that have to admit that I didn't take any water with me, but it was ok cos Spartz said I could have some of his emergency radiator water :) he so kind :)

Some random pics from this evening

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