Sunday, March 11, 2018

Some pottering, some lazing

My wknd has been one of two extremes, kinda.  Ystdy I spent the morning exploring some opshops, signed up to the library, found Bin Inn (sadly not as good as Taranaki’s one but still better than nothing) and generally just wandering some areas I hadn’t been to yet.  Then in the afternoon I picked Samara up and we headed out to Silky Oaks, which has a chocolate museum and cafe.  Samara had warned me not to get my hopes up, but still I wanted to go - you cant live in the same city as a chocolate museum and not go.  It cost more than I expected to get into the museum, and we both decided there needed to be a disclaimer about how much of the museum was reading of stuff.  Me being me didn’t read all that much of it, and neither did Samara so we are still kinda clueless, if you enjoy reading about old stuff though you would probably enjoy it.  We had fun looking at the displays of old chocolate pots and boxes etc though :) I am definitely more of a visual history person than a reading of history person.  The best part of the museum was the looped recording they had playing of old ads, lol so cheesy and terrible and some of the jingles were hilarious.  I laughed so much I cried at some of them :) that was worth the entrance fee hehe.  The cafe was a bit of a let down though, it was just a general cafe not chocolate themed at all like I expected - boo to the cafe lol.  We had a hot chocolate there which was good, nothing spectacular but good.

Today I managed to do basically nothing really.  I did my washing and hung it up then hours later brought it in.  In between I was reading my book, super super good book :) was gonna just read a bit of it but it didn’t want me to stop reading, cept for when I paused to go make another hot drink.  Finished the book around 4ish I think then watched some tv.  Now its time to curl back up on the couch and start a new book until its time for bed :) Don’t even have to get pjs on cos I never ended up getting out of them this morning, such a good day :) lol.  I did work out what I am going to do with my latest craft thing though, which is something.  Its been lying on the floor staring at me for over a week asking what it is to become, and now I know.  Just gotta actually do it, a job for this coming week maybe.

Oh and I have found a flat, I move in on Saturday.  Its with two others, both mature and working like me.  It looks like it will be a quiet chilled kind of place which is what I wanted, and I will be able to walk to work which is also a bonus that I really wanted.  If you would like my address please let me know, obviously email and phone number are staying the same, so you can always contact me that way whenever you want :)

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