Saturday, March 31, 2018

Exploring with Spartz

Today was Spartz's turn to go exploring, and Missie of course came along with us.  Glenny as per usual wanted that lil bit more sleep so stayed behind to look after my room and stuff.

We headed off to explore stuff that we had seen on our road trip over here when we moved that we couldn't be bothered stopping at.  First stop was Dannevirke, we had been warned that there is not a lot to do there but we figured there would atlst be a museum, which there is, and it is also shut on wknds so that was no help to us.  Instead we wandered down the main street and looked at a couple of opshops before finding a cafe for a coffee and some fries, the coffee and fries were pretty good.  And then we wandered some more and took some pics before heading back to Spartz.

The next stop was Norsewood which had been telling us to visit each time we drove past, the two times that we had lol.  Norsewood was small and ok for a short wander, nothing fantastic and I think it would prob be best to visit the one wknd a year they have their big event but then there might be crowds and that wouldn't be as fun.  The museum was alright, small but not bad.

The next stop after this was Waipawa cos we wanted to visit the CHB Settlers Museum (CHB is Central Hawkes Bay for those who didn't know).  This museum was really good, had some cool interactive things and some cool things for Missie to pose with.  She had me worried she was gonna run away at one point but thankfully she was just messing with me.  We also had it confirmed that we would suck at war :( it started with bad luck when we spun the wheel and we ended up being sent to the Western Front where our chances were slim to start with, and then we packed not enough gear (damn Rangers for teaching me to pack light) and we died, well I died, Missie reckons she would have been smart enough to jump into someone else's pocket so she says she would have made it home.

Then we headed to the Pekepeka Wetlands which were small and a little boring for a wander but fun for taking photos :) The wander, with photo stops and photo redo's only lasted max of half an hour so I think I would only bother stopping here if you wanted a short leg stretch or actually cared about wetlands and knew what you were looking at haha.

All the stuff we did I think would have been disappointing if we had gone to do just that but as it was combined together as an exploring day it was actually quite fun.  Had to remind Spartz quite a lot what the speed limit was, think he misses his regular drives to work which include the open road.  May have to make an effort to take him out more often, good thing there is a lot to explore around here and friends/family close-ish by to visit :)

Scott Fountain, something to do with one of the Antartica expeditions or something

Dannevirke Railway Station

Think this is a shop now, or something

Missie having a go at being the police person, or whatever they were called back then

Some old style buildings

This was a wedding dress worn way back when

An old school pram

Missie doing washing, for once

Missie with the three trolls

CHB Settlers Museum
Almost dinner time

Found a boat, bit small for Missie though

Tried our hand at writing with a quill...

Decided that typing was easier

Concept of sewing is about the same, we think (this one wasn't a to play with one)

But phones sure were bigger back then


Just liked this, it looks cool as

Missie pretending to run away

She does look rather pleased to have found a grenade

These poppies are all crocheted or knitted and I think there's one for each life lost from the town

This is the challenge we did where we found we wouldn't do so well at war...

Spun the wheel and got 18% chance of survival to start with....

Dressed and equiped our dude with what we thought he needed...

Turns out he needed all of this...

So we ended up with 0 as our final score, mostly cos there is no negative score possibility (this means we died, 5-70 meant wounded, 70 or above meant you lived and made it home to live a good life).

Pekapeka Wetlands

This pic does remind of one of the Scotland photos I have :)

Friday, March 30, 2018

A chilled out day that included a wander

This morning I put on my walking shoes and along with Missie and Garth Brooks went for a wander round Napier.  The main purpose of this wander was to take photos of the seawalls I see when I walk to work or drive around but that during the normal working week or weekend have these irritating things called cars parked in the way of getting good photos.  I was happily correct in my assumption that today I would find less of these irritating things in the way and I got some good pics.  There were still the odd irritating car, and a very irritating container, in the way but overall much much better than normal.  The seawalls are murals painted by artists which represent issues around the ocean and sea life which are suffering due to the pollution that is around these days.  Some of them I really like and others I don't like so much, the ones I don't like so much didn't get photos taken.  There are over 40 in total and they do make for a good morning of exploring.

We also took photos of some other things that I have seen during my wanders but haven't gotten round to photographing, figured today was as good a day as any to do it :)

View from just up the road and round the corner from where I live

Walk through this small park on the way to and from work, do like the harp thing

This random lady is waving to the boy below, Samara pointed this out to me, I would still be thinking she was waving at nothing lol

Happy Easter from the random vase of flowers in the CBD

This is the lady of the sea or something

Hehe Napier does have some awesome signs, these two are almost as good as the ones The Pentland Hills have in Scotland

My pics of the Seawalls...