Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

This was wicked awesome by the way, am def going again when I come back to visit Scotland :) Missie also loved it.  Took some pics and a few videos but actually spent most the time watching it.  Def worth the cost of the ticket :)

Me, Missie, Salome and her cousin Julian super excited and waiting for it to start

Found the NZ flag :)

Missie all cosy and ready for the entertainment

First lot of awesome entertainment

Some stage later on in the evening

Theme was to do with the Queens 90th bday this year and this is Mount Everest on the castle for the bit with the Nepalese army band

Kiwi army band time, and we got silver ferns and other cool kiwi stuff on the castle :)

There was also a bit where the castle turned into the Death Star and the army bands were playing Star Wars music and there were lil tiny kids and some bigger kids on motorbikes zooming round and weaving in and out of each other then doing circusy things on the bikes like building human pyramids and such like, was pretty cool.

The NZ army band got one of the bigger cheers (I always knew they was the best army band, now others know it too), Salome was mega impressed when they did a haka lol, I most liked the way they did cool displays while still playing and the displays included some jogging, not sure I can jog and play an instrument let alone while weaving in and out of others without hitting them and making patterns so kudos to the boys.

Short clip of some of the highland dancing :)

Short clip of the NZ marching girls, can't remember what team the speaker dude said they were from but it is the one that has won 35 of the last 50 NZ Champs

One of my fav bits was towards the end when they brought out the queens carriage (empty, no Prince for me in it, so sad lol) and there were 5 horses leading it (well leading the two horses pulling it), the front horse was a gorgeous Clydesdale who definitely had better things to do than be there hehe, not sure if he had a date or what but you could tell that he was over being there and wanted to be almost anywhere else :)

Also apologies if the videos don't play, never tried to load videos on here before that aint already been on the internet so fingers crossed.

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