Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It was a good weekend

It was a really good weekend, the one that has just finished. And not only cos Edinburgh gave us mostly proper summer weather :)

Saturday started with a run, then lunch with Toni at Nandos. Then off to do some shopping where I met up with Salome and one of her friends. We shopped for a while (time flew) and I got me my bday pressie for me, a pandora charm bracelet and a leo charm

We then stopped for cake before heading home. I just chilled all evening and skyped Bridie for a bit. 

Sunday I met up with Toni for brunch then headed to The Pentlands for a wander. Ended up wandering for over 3.5 hours which included a couple of coffee breaks. Walked for 3hr 23mins (I know this cos I was tracking it and had it set to auto pause so when I stopped it stopped, clever huh hehe). Missie picked the routes with loads of hills, silly girl. Some hills were so steep going down that if I hadn't already walked up them last time I would have thought it was impossible to. 
Pics are on my camera so will upload later in the week :)

Hope all your weekends were all good too

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