Thursday, August 25, 2016

Retirement phase two is on the horizon

So as some of you know I am finishing up work at the end of Sept to go traveling and head home :) 

I leave Edinburgh on the 6th Oct to head to Aviemore for a couple nights, then head to the Isle of Skye then Inverness for a bit. Then on the 14th Oct I am heading to Dublin as am doing a 9 day bus tour of Ireland. After that my plans are way more vague and are more just along the lines of chill in Ireland for a bit, then head to Wales, then the lower parts of England until money runs out then head home :) 

Am looking forward to doing more exploring and def looking forward to heading home again :) 

Just thought would let you all know so now you can't say I don't tell you anything, unless your pa then you can cos it's your right or something :p hehe

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