Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A new take on Romeo and Juliet

Went to the end of festival fireworks last night (the festival being the Fringe Festival that has been going on for the last month, lots of performances of all kinds including comedy, music, opera, plays, spoken word and more and prices range from free to costs loads). The fireworks were awesome and went for almost an hour (55mins to be exact), and were to the theme of Romeo and Juliet :) there was an orchestra playing the soundtrack which was cool and the fireworks were set up all round the castle (took a week to set up, or so the voiceover dude told us). I watched them with my friend Fatima and below are some pics and some vids, the vids are so you can also appreciate the music and how cool it was :) :) :)

Ok so it seems I can't load the vids from my phone :( so next post will have them, fingers crossed :)

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