Monday, August 29, 2016


While Toni, Mark and I were enjoying the last weekend of the Fringe Festival yesterday we obviously had to stop off somewhere for food and we were on The Cowgate (it's a street for you non-Edinburgh people) and we ended up in OX184. I had never been in there before cos assumed it didn't serve food I could eat, well that and the fact that it's on The Cowgate and I am generally not eating when down there lol. Anyhow turns out they had a separate gluten free menu, love places like that, and they had burgers on there :) 

The burger was pretty good, I might have been a lil drunk and def was very hungry so might have been a lil biased hehe. But still it was good and it came with massive amount of fries so I was stoked with that :) I've decided that they get a 3, the chips were awesome and the burger was very enjoyable and also the place was real nice :) 

Current rankings
1. Bread Meats Bread
2. The Southern
3. Handmade Burger Co.
4. Holyrood 9A
5. OX184
6. Bada-Bing
7. Burger.
8. Burger Meats Bun

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