Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A new take on Romeo and Juliet

Went to the end of festival fireworks last night (the festival being the Fringe Festival that has been going on for the last month, lots of performances of all kinds including comedy, music, opera, plays, spoken word and more and prices range from free to costs loads). The fireworks were awesome and went for almost an hour (55mins to be exact), and were to the theme of Romeo and Juliet :) there was an orchestra playing the soundtrack which was cool and the fireworks were set up all round the castle (took a week to set up, or so the voiceover dude told us). I watched them with my friend Fatima and below are some pics and some vids, the vids are so you can also appreciate the music and how cool it was :) :) :)

Ok so it seems I can't load the vids from my phone :( so next post will have them, fingers crossed :)

Monday, August 29, 2016


While Toni, Mark and I were enjoying the last weekend of the Fringe Festival yesterday we obviously had to stop off somewhere for food and we were on The Cowgate (it's a street for you non-Edinburgh people) and we ended up in OX184. I had never been in there before cos assumed it didn't serve food I could eat, well that and the fact that it's on The Cowgate and I am generally not eating when down there lol. Anyhow turns out they had a separate gluten free menu, love places like that, and they had burgers on there :) 

The burger was pretty good, I might have been a lil drunk and def was very hungry so might have been a lil biased hehe. But still it was good and it came with massive amount of fries so I was stoked with that :) I've decided that they get a 3, the chips were awesome and the burger was very enjoyable and also the place was real nice :) 

Current rankings
1. Bread Meats Bread
2. The Southern
3. Handmade Burger Co.
4. Holyrood 9A
5. OX184
6. Bada-Bing
7. Burger.
8. Burger Meats Bun

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Retirement phase two is on the horizon

So as some of you know I am finishing up work at the end of Sept to go traveling and head home :) 

I leave Edinburgh on the 6th Oct to head to Aviemore for a couple nights, then head to the Isle of Skye then Inverness for a bit. Then on the 14th Oct I am heading to Dublin as am doing a 9 day bus tour of Ireland. After that my plans are way more vague and are more just along the lines of chill in Ireland for a bit, then head to Wales, then the lower parts of England until money runs out then head home :) 

Am looking forward to doing more exploring and def looking forward to heading home again :) 

Just thought would let you all know so now you can't say I don't tell you anything, unless your pa then you can cos it's your right or something :p hehe

Monday, August 22, 2016

Be prepared to be surprised

Check it out, turns out I can cook good when I put my mind to it :) :) :) 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

This was wicked awesome by the way, am def going again when I come back to visit Scotland :) Missie also loved it.  Took some pics and a few videos but actually spent most the time watching it.  Def worth the cost of the ticket :)

Me, Missie, Salome and her cousin Julian super excited and waiting for it to start

Found the NZ flag :)

Missie all cosy and ready for the entertainment

First lot of awesome entertainment

Some stage later on in the evening

Theme was to do with the Queens 90th bday this year and this is Mount Everest on the castle for the bit with the Nepalese army band

Kiwi army band time, and we got silver ferns and other cool kiwi stuff on the castle :)

There was also a bit where the castle turned into the Death Star and the army bands were playing Star Wars music and there were lil tiny kids and some bigger kids on motorbikes zooming round and weaving in and out of each other then doing circusy things on the bikes like building human pyramids and such like, was pretty cool.

The NZ army band got one of the bigger cheers (I always knew they was the best army band, now others know it too), Salome was mega impressed when they did a haka lol, I most liked the way they did cool displays while still playing and the displays included some jogging, not sure I can jog and play an instrument let alone while weaving in and out of others without hitting them and making patterns so kudos to the boys.

Short clip of some of the highland dancing :)

Short clip of the NZ marching girls, can't remember what team the speaker dude said they were from but it is the one that has won 35 of the last 50 NZ Champs

One of my fav bits was towards the end when they brought out the queens carriage (empty, no Prince for me in it, so sad lol) and there were 5 horses leading it (well leading the two horses pulling it), the front horse was a gorgeous Clydesdale who definitely had better things to do than be there hehe, not sure if he had a date or what but you could tell that he was over being there and wanted to be almost anywhere else :)

Also apologies if the videos don't play, never tried to load videos on here before that aint already been on the internet so fingers crossed.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It was a good weekend

It was a really good weekend, the one that has just finished. And not only cos Edinburgh gave us mostly proper summer weather :)

Saturday started with a run, then lunch with Toni at Nandos. Then off to do some shopping where I met up with Salome and one of her friends. We shopped for a while (time flew) and I got me my bday pressie for me, a pandora charm bracelet and a leo charm

We then stopped for cake before heading home. I just chilled all evening and skyped Bridie for a bit. 

Sunday I met up with Toni for brunch then headed to The Pentlands for a wander. Ended up wandering for over 3.5 hours which included a couple of coffee breaks. Walked for 3hr 23mins (I know this cos I was tracking it and had it set to auto pause so when I stopped it stopped, clever huh hehe). Missie picked the routes with loads of hills, silly girl. Some hills were so steep going down that if I hadn't already walked up them last time I would have thought it was impossible to. 
Pics are on my camera so will upload later in the week :)

Hope all your weekends were all good too