Friday, March 26, 2021

Christchurch - Day 4

So Monday was our last full day in Christchurch and we headed off exploring on foot instead of in the car.  We wandered into Hagley Park to find the botanical gardens, which when we found them were pretty cool.  I could easily imagine spending some time reading a book under a tree or something if I was there for longer.  Had a wonderful photographer with me, thanks mum hehe, and we had fun taking some photos as well.  Sorry some of them are a bit dark, it wasn't the sunniest day.  

After splitting up (mum was going to visit a friend and I wanted to check out Chch central) we both managed to get rather lost trying to find where we were trying to go.  I ended up on the complete wrong side of the park and then had to backtrack to find where I was going.  Super glad I had GoogleMaps on my phone cos the park signs were just confusing me.  I did eventually find where I was headed first, which was the museum.  Had a good wander through the Museum, mostly enjoyed it... mostly cos I didn't really stop in many of the exhibitions, nothing took my fancy till I found the Antartica Exhibition, that was real cool.  And then on the way out I came across the olden days street, made a coupe of friends and wandered into some different shops hehe.

Then from there it was into the main area of Chch central.  It was rather quiet in town, which surprised me, but I still had fun wandering.  I was vaguely looking for somewhere for lunch then I saw this cool painting on the side of a building, or buildings, and I wanted a good photo so kept wandering till got one.  Then when I was closer the building itself looked pretty interesting so in I went.... and there were the people lol.  It was the Riverside Market and was full of food eating places and refreshments and all sorts.  It did help that when I walked in someone offered me a wine tasting yum yum hehe.  While I was browsing and deciding what I wanted I saw a cake/sweet type place, and there was a sign that said all the righthand side was gluten free and celiac friendly.  Of course I had to doublecheck that as there were a lot of yummy looking stuff on the righthand side.... the sign was accurate, and the baker man laughed when I said that I had to check cos I don't often get so much choice.  I ended up getting two things (wanted so many more though) and let me just say, they were even yummier than they looked, nom nom nom.

After the Riverside Market I wandered back to the motel via Hagley Park, and planning to find the cricket ground to find Nastle's statue (hehe, and yes I know there is unlikely to actually be one but a girl can dream lol) however, guess who got lost again.... Pretty sure the cricket ground is not actually in Hagley Park, am sure I covered almost all of it at stages in the day and I never saw it.  

Overall it was a very good day, and I enjoyed our holiday.  Christchurch is a very nice place for a long wknd, probably a very nice place for a longer holiday as well :)

Hagley Park and Botanical Gardens

Christchurch Museum, Kiwiana

Christchurch Museum, Antartica

Christchurch Museum, Olden Days Street

Things of interest around town

This is the side of the Riverside Markets, the side of the building is flat.... 

All the yummies I could have <3

Hagley Park, round two

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