Friday, March 12, 2021

You would think it's been a slow year....

Well based on how many blog posts I have done you would.  You might even be sitting there thinking I am not doing much and just chilling and that is.  But you would be wrong, yes you would :)

The reason I have not been doing many posts is that I have been rather busy.  More busy than I expected to be really.  I have been doing some sewing, some painting, some other crafting.  Lots of theatre hanging out, not so much theatre doing stuff though lol.  Lots of friends hanging out and just having fun.  Oh and a teeny tiny bit of study, but nowhere as much of that as I should have been doing.

Dad and I (aka Dad with my supervision) made me a bed base in the wknd just gone, it looks pretty good if I may say so myself :) bit higher than I am used to but that is ok, am sure I will get used to it in no time, fingers crossed.  Glenny likes it too which is an impt thing lol.

I have been doing sewing and craft things for the WI arts and crafts festival which is getting closer.  Not sure which things, if any, will get placings but I am hoping atlst a couple of things do as I am quite proud of them.  Some others I'm not so bothered about because they are just so-so in my mind.  I shall put up photos after the event, after all I can't be giving my mum inside knowledge as she might then make stuff to beat mine lol.

Work is going well, mostly.  There are some things that I don't like about being a manager but they are unavoidable really.  Mostly things are just the same though, and its only the odd day that I am thinking grrrr thoughts.  Had a zui (zoom hui) this morning with the other managers, which was a tad yawn-ish till one of their cats turned up demanding hugs and smooches and that made it way more entertaining hehe.  There are a few of us that work from home a day or few a week now so sometimes our zui's are more entertaining than others.  Atlst this time I didn't have Ken sitting opposite me pulling faces while I try not to laugh lol.

Have been hanging out with Jenny a bit, we are both on the Board at Theatre HB which is how we met.  We get along really well, and she has 3 cats who are super cute.  I would say they have all warmed to me except Moo sometimes is a bit skittish but he is skittish with them as well some days so it's not that unusual really.  Bucket (Charlie Bucket) and Starr are the other two.  Since she also works from home on Friday afternoons I often go round to hers to use her internet and also to hang out and catch up on our weeks.  I work from home Friday arvos, and morning if I am not needed in the studios.  Its quite nice to be able to take my time, have a bit of a lie in and just chill my way through work.  Not that I was working super hard and stressing before but still, being at home is nice.

Have changed my place around, again lol.  Nothing major this time but have the trestle table up in the spare room and only the dining table up in the lounge, table-wise.  I can also get to the sewing cabinet without having to move everything in front of it which is progress :) woot woot.  And except for the fact that all the extra stuff from the lounge and spare room is on the couch in the spare room or in front of it, I would say it looks good lol.  It shall be cleared by Wednesday though, as mum is coming over and on Thursday we head to Christchurch :D so excited.  Am sure I will update you with some of our happenings down there, whether it is while we are there or when we get back I am not sure, but some time I will :)

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